DAIVAI provides consulting services related to Technology Innovation, Competences, Business Development. Our customers are Companies and Managers determined to remain competitive in rapidly changing markets.
Engineer, CTO | Technology & Digital Innovation | Industry 4.0 | Solutions Design & Architecture | Data, IoT, AI, Cloud | Software Development | Multinational & Startup experience | Operations Management & Team Leadership | New Business Development | Product, Process, Business Model Innovation | Open Innovation & Technology transfer
Solution Architect certified (AWS)
Innovation Manager (MISE)
Sustainability Manager (RINA/Federmanager)
Member of National Artificial Intelligence Commission (Federmanager)
National Register of Engineers BR Sez.A n.645
Languages: Italian, French, English
Business Graduate | Competence Innovation and Match-making | Technology Change Management | HR 4.0 Innovation, Training & Learning | Career & Employability Coaching | Linkedin & Head Hunting Insights | Partnership Matching | International Business Development | Marketing & Communications | Cross-cultural Competences
Innovation Manager (MISE)
Languages: Danish/Scandinavian, Italian, English, German, French
En hilsen på dansk: link
Our values and professional interests can be expressed in relation to the following sustainability goals:
Aging is one of the greatest social challenges in Europe. Digital solutions and models can improve diagnostics and prevention, ensure citizen autonomy for longer, guarantee equality in accessing services.
Accelerating electrification from renewable sources is fundamental if we want to continue producing, innovating and growing.
We support companies and managers in acquiring skills and solutions that allow them to successfully navigate the digital transformation that is eliminating, displacing and changing jobs.
We support companies in adopting and extending cloud / digital infrastructures that enable to capture / extract / manage / share their data in order to reduce costs, create new products, collaborate with partners, communicate with customers.
The green transition is becoming a basic requirement to be on the market. Only digital solutions can allow companies to effectively monitor and manage consumption and communicate progress.
We support the creation of ambitious partnerships between Italy and Northern Europe to ensure speed and critical mass in creating new sustainable products, services and supply chains - in Europe - capable of having a positive impact also on the rest of the world.
Copyright © 2014-2025 Daivai S.r.l.
All rights reserved
SIAE reg. 2014003473
Copyright Off. WA.(US) reg. TXu 1-963-845
P.IVA: IT06448520483
Mail: info@daivai.com