Webinar on the Italian Life Science Market

The Italian Life Sciences market Our webinar on March 25th 2021 was organized in collaboration with the Danish Export association. The main purpose was to share insights about the Italian Pharma industry with Danish industry suppliers. We included market trends and opportunities in the biotech, medical device, chemical, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries as well as […]
Webinar on the Italian Health Tech Market

The Italian market after Covid19 Our webinar about the Italian Healthtech market (February 18th 2021) was organized in collaboration with the Danish association Welfare Tech (now: Danish Life Science Cluster). The purpose was to share insights about the Italian market for Healthtech, one year after Covid19 dramatically hit healthcare markets all over the world. In Europe, […]
Smart Home Now Trentino

Rovereto (TN) June 8th 2017 Location: TRENTINO SVILUPPO Via Fortunato Zeni, 8 – 38068 Rovereto (TN) (Link). The goal of this day hosted by Trentino Sviluppo was thelarge scale implementation of Smart Living solutions featuring presentations of solutions and models, design of local market partnerships and evaluation of the technology integration necessary to provide useful, […]
Smart Home Now Bologna

Bologna April 15th 2016 Location: TIM Working Capital Bologna Via Oberdan 22 – 40126 Bologna (Link). At the BOLOGNA event April 15th 2016 other companies with new solutions, tools and models for the smart living market: CISCO, ALLNET Italia, TIM #WCap, BNP Paribas Cardif, Domotica Labs, GLIC (Italian network of Aid centers), DQuid and startups […]