European cross-pollination – export markets or innovation partners?
How do we increase the number of new businesses and services in Europe capable of competing with increasingly dominant US and Chinese players? Inside the
News and projects to accelerate digital innovation.
How do we increase the number of new businesses and services in Europe capable of competing with increasingly dominant US and Chinese players? Inside the
Complexity and rapid change are making it impossible to predict just what/who will make your business model obsolete or when that will happen. But these
We have never had so much DATA available. At the same time it has never been more difficult to accurately predict the future. This is
We participated as speakers at the final event where the results of the 4.0 project financed by the Tuscany Region and coordinated by Confindustria Firenze-COSEFI
We participated as speakers in an interesting round table on this topic, during the event Who is looking for you on LInkedin? organized by Federmanager
We were invited to this conference by the Association of Engineers, the Association of Architects and the Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi. The event is
Florence 9-16-23 November 2018 Where: MIP – Murate IdeaPark | Piazza Madonna della Neve 8, 50122 – Florence Innovating in just 3 days? Or course,
In collaboration with Federmanager between April and June 2018 we have created personalized training consultancy for executives from companies in the IT industry who intend
New technologies and business models, architectures, incentives and testimonials to build solutions and grow your business. Workshops that we have organized with the support of
With the support of AWS – Amazon Web Services we brought the IoT /4.0 workshop to Milan hosted by YoRoom co-working. Among the participants: Business
Free Workshop Milan 30 May 2018 – AGENDA At: YoRoom Coworking and Office | Via Pastrengo 14, 20159 Milan Central location in Isola/Garibaldi: Directions.
IOTHINGS is one of the main IoT events in Italy with a spring event in Milan and a fall event in Rome. The 10-11 April
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